United Capoeira Association - Berkeley
a project of the Capoeira Arts Foundation, Inc 501(c)(3) organization
Martial Art • Fitness • Culture
1901 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702
This grievance procedure is implemented to help create an environment free of discrimination or harassment of any kind. All independent schools related to the Capoeira Arts Foundation, by affiliation with the United Capoeira Association, are required to use this document or produce an original having the same effect for publication to their students, teachers, and guests.
Any type of discrimination or harassment undermines the foundations of dignity and respect, betrays an atmosphere of safety, is contrary to the spirit of the Capoeira Arts Foundation(CAF)’s Code of Conduct and, as such, will not be tolerated on our premises or during any off-site capoeira-event-related activities.
Examples of “discrimination and harassment” may include, but are not limited to:
Comments, jokes, innuendos, looks, gestures or taunts that are derogatory, sexist, sexually suggestive or obscene;
Unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, or favoritism;
Posting, sending, or otherwise sharing sexual or demeaning images;
Harassing photography, recording, and filming;
The persistent interruption of someone speaking or teaching;
Inappropriate or invasive physical contact with the intention to intimidate or harass;
Retaliation or repetition of harassment following repeated advances or in return of a complaint filed;
Assault or any other unlawful behavior
If you experience or witness any type of discrimination or harassment at, or through, the Capoeira Arts Foundation, please report the incident as soon as possible. CAF assumes full responsibility to receive, investigate, and attempt to resolve the complaint adequately.
Power imbalances and gender oppression are real phenomena and can make it difficult for people to speak up when they feel threatened. While this can happen to men and women, it can be especially true for women. Keep in mind that our policy is to support you and, if it is the case, the hierarchical structure within capoeira should not inhibit the student’s ability to express concern or report harassment. The harasser could be an employee; a fellow student of lower, equal, or higher rank; an instructor(a); a professor(a); a contramestre(a); a mestre(a); or a non-capoeirista.
You may verbally report to a teacher, staff member, student advocate, or to any fellow student of your confidence. You may submit a complaint in writing through our Communication and Grievance Report section on our website under “Code of Conduct “. You may also drop a note in a box of the same title located at the front desk. Our staff, teachers, and student advocates are being trained to deal with this initial step. You may choose to report anonymously or to actively participate in the process of investigation. What is important is that your complaint gets communicated so that it may be addressed. Your immediate safety, and the integrity of the community is our first priority. If someone is reporting an incident to you, be sensitive and understanding, as they may have had a traumatic experience and may be feeling very vulnerable. Ask to find out who are student advocates, if that is who you choose to communicate through.
All Investigations of grievances will be conducted according to the gravity of the complaint and through procedures recommended by professionals in this area. We may have the presence of independent advisors and ad hoc committees involving proactive students and members of our board of directors (male and female). Each incident is unique and will be treated as such. Interviews will be conducted in private and all parties will be treated with fairness and respect.
Disciplinary actions will be considered on a case by case basis, in relation to the circumstances, and applied at our discretion. They will range from a warning to possible suspension or expulsion from our school, to a police report, to creative solutions in between. Conflict resolution does not always follow a predictable process. It depends on many factors, including the willingness and participation of those who were involved in the conflict, as well as the commitment of the community to address those real issues that arise.
I have read this document, understand its content, and will abide by its rules. By signing it, our students, teachers, staff, guest teachers, and visitors acknowledge that they have read, understand, and will comply with the terms of this document.
The United Capoeira Association ("UCA") and its logo are registered trademarks of the Capoeira Arts Foundation. The Capoeira Arts Foundation and affiliated schools/businesses are separate and independent legal entities that are responsible for their own acts and omissions, notwithstanding their use of the UCA logo.
Under section of Code of Conduct
Please give a description of what happened, what you felt, or what you saw/heard, by filling out the following questionnaire