United Capoeira Association - Berkeley
a project of the Capoeira Arts Foundation, Inc 501(c)(3) organization
Martial Art • Fitness • Culture
1901 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702

2019 Batizado & Encounter December 5-8
The batizado is a celebration of initiation for new students. It is when they play capoeira with a teacher to receive their first cordão(cord/belt). The batizado is a tradition that began with Mestre Bimba as a way to recognize a new student's understanding of basic movements and as a welcoming to the greater Capoeira community. Today it has come to include the Troca de Cordões(changing of belts) when older students receive their next cordões. We invite special guest teachers to give workshops, our capoeira friends come out to celebrate with us, we have rodas and play music, and ultimately we make our capoeira community stronger. Join us from December 5-8 as we celebrate our art once again. For up to date information about the event, visit the Facebook Event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/ or contact us at info@ucaberkeley.com