United Capoeira Association - Berkeley
a project of the Capoeira Arts Foundation, Inc 501(c)(3) organization
Martial Art • Fitness • Culture
1901 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702
Capoeira Arts Foundation
Code of Conduct and Affirmation of Universal Dignity
The United Capoeira Association ("UCA") and its logo are registered trademarks of the Capoeira Arts Foundation, a California based non-profit organization. The Capoeira Arts Foundation and affiliated schools/businesses are separate and independent legal entities that are responsible for their own acts and omissions, notwithstanding their use of the UCA logo.
Whereas the African-Brazilian arts have survived all manners of adversity and stress and have evolved within manifold social, political, and cultural contexts;
Whereas capoeira, CAF’s central focus among those arts, has historically served as a means of resistance against racial and cultural oppression and is universally regarded as a tool of personal transformation;
Whereas all capoeiristas—men, women, children, masters, and beginners—have stepped onto a shared path that may become a lifelong journey;
Whereas the bonds uniting the capoeira community are secured by a common love of the art, pursuit of enrichment, and appreciation of communion;
Whereas the capoeira community is composed of individuals possessing diverse strengths, weaknesses, and complexities and expressing diverse emotions, personal narratives, and unique perspectives;
Whereas that diversity is a principle source of strength and growth for the capoeira community;
Whereas it is essential to sustaining individual contributions, developing cohesion within the community, and promoting the art form that the inherent dignity and unique identity of all members of the capoeira family are recognized, honored, and protected by mutual resolution;
Therefore, CAF proclaims this Code of Conduct as a common standard of behavior for all members, associates, house teachers, staff, guest teachers, and visitors.
Article 1. Respect
All capoeiristas shall strive to honor their own self worth, to treat one another with equal dignity and respect, and to nurture a consciousness of fellowship. Respect extends to the academia—the sacred terreiro de treinamento—where we shall do our part to keep the space clean and vibrant, to maintain our instruments in good order, and to further our school’s mission. More broadly, capoeiristas shall respect capoeira history, traditions, rituals, and its role as an educational discipline.
Article 2. Equal Opportunity
CAF is committed to providing an environment in which people are treated as equals regardless of color, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical appearance, body type, religion (or lack thereof), political views, or economic conditions. Everyone has the opportunity to progress in all aspects of capoeira in order to reach higher levels of competence and to assume roles of greater responsibility within the community.
Article 3. Boundaries
As expressed in our membership and event waivers, the practice of capoeira, like other physical activities, involves inherent risk. While some degree of physical and psychological challenge can promote the growth of a capoeirista, excessive aggression is neither appropriate nor acceptable. Likewise, other types of intimidation that threaten the well-being of another are inappropriate. Respect the physical and emotional integrity of self and others.
Article 4. Harassment
Harassment undermines the foundations of dignity and respect, betrays an atmosphere of safety, is contrary to the spirit of this resolution, and, as such, will not be tolerated at any time in our organization and in related situations. Substantiated offenses, including retaliation, will be addressed on a rigorous case by case basis in accordance with our Grievance Procedure which further defines harassment and can be found in our Student Guide, on our website, and in the office.
Article 5. Perpetual Oath
As the heirs to, and custodians of, a grand history, it is necessary that we, the capoeiristas of today, do our part to honor, preserve, and advance the traditions of that history with awareness and integrity. Capoeira has evolved throughout time, and now through our actions, as we are nourished by its roots, we reflect values that are consistent with today’s humanitarian attitudes and mores. In conjunction with the intent of this resolution, we remember that capoeira is an art of survival and a weapon of resistance, and we aspire to embody that legacy by being proactive on our own, or another’s behalf in any living moment or difficult situation. As teachers and students, we shall strive to lead by positive example, to maintain a constructive attitude, and to inspire the best from each other. We shall all assume the responsibility of considering how our behavior impacts others. By the contribution of every voice, may the promise of harmony persevere and the spirit of capoeira thrive.